Pantile 2000

Britmet Lightweight Roofing pantile 2000 system is the only eave to ridge, granulated tile sheet on the market. Available from 1.53m to 6m in length and is manufactured to suit your rafter lengths, so no wastage, cutting or head lapping necessary.

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Features & Benefits

  • The lowest BBA approved tile effect sheet in the world
  • 5 degree pitch
  • 50-year warranty
  • AA fire rating equal to traditional roof tiles
  • Custom made to suit any rafter length
  • Rapid installation time

Pantile 2000 Overview

Britmet’s Pantile 2000 is the most innovative lightweight tile effect sheet in the construction industry. This market-leading product is the lowest BBA approved lightweight tile sheet in the world as it can be fixed to a roof pitch as low as 5°, backed with a weather penetration guarantee. Pantile 2000 is 1080mm (width) x custom length (up to 6m) and successfully achieves roof pitches from 5° - 70°. This unique tile is manufactured as a 'made to measure' product, meaning you can have Pantile 2000 made to your project's rafter length, reducing installation time by up to half.

Pantile 2000 is manufactured using the highest-grade Aluzinc steel, coated with pigmented mineral-filled acrylic. At a 0.9mm thickness gauge, Britmet’s Pantile 2000 is renowned for offering an elegant, secure, anti-vandal roof solution.

Originally manufactured as a replacement for old Asbestos roofs, the Britmet Pantile 2000 can be seen on garages, schools, hospitals across the UK. Covered by a BBA approved 50-year guarantee.



Mid Grey

Mid Grey



Tudor Brown

Tudor Brown

Antique Red

Antique Red

Sage Green

Sage Green

Pantile 2000 Brochure

Pantile 2000 Photo Gallery

Pantile 2000 Product Range

Pantile 2000 Case Studies

Pantile 2000 Technical Spec

Min. pitch:
Max. pitch: 70°
Overall width: 1080mm
Cover width: 1040mm
Side lap: 40mm
Step: 12mm
Purlin Centres (max): 1500mm (0.7mm) & 1500 (0.9mm)
Individual tile module: 300mm
Maximum sheet length: 6m (over 6m for special orders)
Steel base: 0.9mm
Weight as laid per m2: 9kg & 11kg
Base coat: Acrylic resin
Top coat: Pigmented mineral filled acrylic
Colours available: Charcoal, Terracotta, Mid Grey, Tudor, Brown, Antique Red, Sage Green
Chemical resistance: Unaffected by normal pollution
Biological resistance: Non toxic fungicide incorporated
Fire resistance: AA classification equal to traditional roof tiles and slates
Fixings: The contractor shall utilise the roofing manufacturers recommended fixings and sealant
Ventilation: Roof ventilation should meet the recommendations of Building Regulations 1991 (amended ‘92, ‘94). Approved Document F2 1995 ‘Condensation in roofs’, BS 5250: 2021’ Control of condensation’.

Pantile 2000 General Specification

Handling and Storage:
Materials should be unloaded as close as possible to the building where they are going to be installed. On-site, packs should be stored on a firm, dry base away from the possibility of damage. Sheeting packs should be laid on pallets or bearers to allow ground clearance. 100mm x 50mm Bearers should be arranged at the same centres under each pack and must not exceed 2 packs high. They must slope sufficiently to allow any rainwater that may gather to drain away. A tarpaulin sheet should cover the stacks, not touching the surface of the sheets, which will allow for the circulation of air. To prevent damage to the coating on installation, the sheets must be lifted and not dragged from the pack. Damage to the surface coating can be repaired with touch up paint. (Supplied by Britmet.)

Eaves Drip Flashing:
Manufactured and coated in identical material to the main roof covering. The minimum girth of 140mm, once bent, fixed with secondary fixings and butt jointed. (Manufactured length 2m).

Underlay/Breather Membrane:

Approved roofing underlay to be layed horizontally across purlins, on top of and flush with the front edge of the Britmet eaves drip, all to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Note: if the purlin centres are greater than 900mm, lattice support wires should be used to eliminate the sagging of the breather membrane.

Purlins & Rafters:
Size and centres to be designed to suit Britmet Pantile 2000 tile effect roofing sheets. 

Note: for timber purlins, the Tek screw/fastener must have a min. of 38mm penetration. 

Note: steel & zed purlins should be a minimum gauge of 1.25mm.

Pantile 2000 Tile Effect Roof Sheet:
All 0.9mm Pantile 2000 galvanised steel sheets are coated using a pigmented mineral-filled acrylic coating, available in 6 standard colours.
Note: All sheets MUST be laid from right to left.
Note: The first sheet must be laid so that its left-hand edge is perpendicular to the eave.
All sheets should be laid full length (ridge to eaves) where possible and securely fixed to the substructure.
Note: where an end/head lap is to be used, for a roof pitch of 10° or more ­allow a minimum lap of 75mm on the eaves sheet. For a roof pitch of 9° or less ­allow a minimum lap of 300mm on the eaves sheet.
Lapping requirements: lapping to be undertaken over supported areas only and all sheets must be mitred.

Main sheet fixings are to be fixed through the crown of the profile using Tek screws with a cap colour to suit. Fixings are to be placed at 3 per sheet, per purlin, except for the eaves and ridge purlins which shall be placed at 4. Side lap stitching screws are be placed on every third tile for roof pitches of 10° or more. For roof pitches of less than 10°, they should be placed every second tile. Tek screws are supplied by Britmet. (These quantities may vary due to wind loading or other factors)
Note: For coastal areas, stainless steel screws must be used.

  • All holes in the sheet must be drilled (not punched).
  • All cutting must be made by a 110-volt nibbler or jigsaw and must take place on the ground or away from the material already fixed.
  • All on site cutting to be immediately treated with Firtan, an anti-corrosive material, or touch up kit, provided by Britmet.

Note: After cutting, all swarf must be removed from the roof immediately.

Ridge / Hip Flashing:
The minimum girth of 400mm, 5 times bent, butt-jointed with 50mm under strip or lapped 50mm. (Manufactured length 2m). 3 Fixings should be placed on each side. For roof pitches of 10° or below, hip details should be sealed using compriband expanding foam (B52 25mm x 10mm x 4m).

Barge / Mono Ridge Flashing:
The minimum girth of 340mm, three times bent, buttjointed with 50mm under strip or lapped 50mm. (Manufactured length 2m) 3 Fixings should be placed on each side.

Valley Flashing:
The minimum girth of 420mm, three times bent, buttjointed with 50mm under strip or lapped 50mm. (Manufactured length 2m) 3 Fixings should be placed on each side. For roof pitches of 10° or below, valley details should be sealed using compriband expanding foam (B52 25mm x 10mm x 4m).

Pipe Flashing:
All standard vent pipes to be finished with Dektite pipe flashing (Supplied by Britmet)

Upstand / Apron Flashing:
Upstand minimum girth is 350mm, twice bent. Apron minimum girth is 300mm, three times bent. Butt jointed with 50mm under strip or lapped 50mm. (Manufactured length 2m.) 3 Fixings should be placed on each side.

Special Flashing:
All chimneys, vents, and special flashings are nonstandard dimensions. Manufactured and coated in identical material to the main roof covering or as required by the client.

Flashing End Caps:
For ridge, barge and hips. Manufactured and coated in identical material to the main roof covering.

Plastic Comb Fillers: (Ridge, Eaves, Hip and Valley)
Ridge and hip should be Tek screwed to the sheet. Eaves and valley should be Tek screwed to the flashing. 

Note: For roof void ventilation at the eaves, use either soffit ventilation or the over fascia ventilating system, OFVS supplied by Britmet. 

For duo roof pitches greater than 15° use OFVS 10. For duo roof pitches less than 15° use OFVS 25.

All sealant for side laps to be butyl mastic bead, code IDL 0303, grey or black. 

  • Pitches greater than 9° minimum mastic bead diameter 6mm 
  • Pitches less than 10° minimum mastic bead diameter 10mm

All work must be inspected upon completion and any damaged work should be replaced. All debris to be completely cleared from the roof area prior to the removal of the scaffolding.

Pantile 2000 NBS Spec

Pantile 2000 Installer Guide

You can download our installer's guide here (PDF)

Pantile 2000 Videos

Anti Vandal Pantile 2000
Anti Vandal Pantile 2000
Fitting Battons for Valley Pantile
Fitting Battons for Valley Pantile
Cutting into Pantile Valley
Cutting into Pantile Valley
How to set out Battens for lightweight Pantile sheets
How to set out Battens for lightweight Pantile sheets
Installing Pantile 2000 Sheets
Installing Pantile 2000 Sheets
Eave Tray & Comb Filler Pantile
Eave Tray & Comb Filler Pantile
Roof light Window for Pantile
Roof light Window for Pantile

Pantile 2000 Technical Drawings


BLR-CAD-PANTILE2000-0005Pantile 2000DWG | PDF
SK-010Typical Ridge Detail. Steel SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-011Typical Verge Detail. Steel SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-012Typical Hip Detail. Steel Substructure. Cut Away DetailDWG | JPG
SK-013Typical Valley Detail. Steel SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-014Typical Mono Ridge Detail. Steel SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-015Typical Ventilated Eaves Detail. Timber SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-016Typical Ridge Detail. Timber SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-017Typical Verge Detail. Timber SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-018Typical Hip Detail. Timber Substructure. Cut Away DetailDWG | JPG
SK-019Typical Valley Detail. Timber Substructure. Cut Away DetailDWG | JPG
SK-020Typical Mono Ridge Detail. Timber SubstructureDWG | JPG
SK-021Typical Eaves Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner TrayDWG | JPG
SK-022Typical Ridge Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner TrayDWG | JPG
SK-023Typical Hip Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner Tray. Cut Away DetailDWG | JPG
SK-024Typical Valley Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner Tray. Cut Away DetailDWG | JPG
SK-025Typical Verge Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner TrayDWG | JPG
SK-026Typical Mono Ridge Detail. Steel Substructure. Insulation and Liner TrayDWG | JPG
SK-027Typical Lead Flashing Detail to Chimney. Chimney at RidgeDWG | JPG
SK-028Typical Lead Flashing Detail to Chimney. Chimney within Roof SlopeDWG | JPG
SK-029Typical Apron Flashing DetailDWG | JPG
SK-03Dimensional InformationDWG | JPG
SK-030Typical Upstand Flashing DetailDWG | JPG
SK-031Typical Detail at Change in SlopeDWG | JPG
SK-032Typical Detail at Translucent Sheet. Plan and SectionDWG | JPG
SK-033Typical Aluminium Gas Vent Ridge DetailDWG | JPG
SK-034Typical Air Vent Ridge and Soil Vent Ridge DetailDWG | JPG
SK-035Typical Detail at a Box GutterDWG | JPG
SK-04Standard Flashings. Ridge/Hip, Verge/Barge, Eaves Drip and ApronDWG | JPG
SK-05Standard Flashings. Upstand, Mono Ridge, Eaves Fascial/ Soffit and Verge Fascia/SoffitDWG | JPG
SK-053Pantile 2000 TilePDF
SK-06Standard Flashings. Junction, Valley and Vent RidgeDWG | JPG
SK-07Lapping Details. Side/Head LapDWG | JPG
SK-08Sheet Mitre Detail at Head LapDWG | JPG
SK-09Typical Ventilated Eaves Detail. Steel SubstructureDWG | JPG